Exit transfers in bridge are a way of escaping from a poor 1NT doubled contract. This convention can be played with a weak or a strong no trump.

You can play this after 1NT – Double – ? and also after 1x – 1NT – Double – ?

Let’s look at the responses after the 1NT has been doubled…

PassAsks partner to Redouble
RDAsks partner to bid clubs
2♣4 Card Stayman
2Asks partner to bid hearts
2Asks partner to bid spades

Apart from pass…the responses are straightforward.

So after Redouble (RD) partner bids 2♣…if the redoubler now bids diamonds they are now showing a 5+ diamond suit.

Alternatively you can drop the Stayman element of this system and use 2C as a transfer to diamonds. It’s your partnerships choice!

What about 1NT – X – P – P – RD

So the whole purpose of this is we can get partner to RD if we think 1NT is making or if we bid on we are now denying holding a 5 card suit and are now trying to find a 4-4 fit if possible.

Let’s look at the responses:

PassHappy to play in 1NT doubled and RD
2♣I have a 4 card club suit
2I have a 4 card diamond suit
2I have a 4 card heart suit and don’t have 4 spades

The original 1NT opener or overcaller can now pass or bid their 4/5 card suit up the line. Bidding continues like this until you find a 4-4 suit or you have to settle in a 4-3 fit. If you bid correctly you will always at least find a 4-3 fit and maybe, if opener has a 5 card suit you might even get lucky and find a 5-4 fit.

If you play a weak NT then this convention is really useful to learn and master.

I’ve also done an exit transfers video.