A collection of useful bridge links with resources for help improving your game or/and websites to play bridge on…

Resources to improve
  • BridgeBum – Great site for loads of conventions
  • Simon’s Conventions – A few more rare but useful gems
  • Convert PBN to LIN Files – Then upload your lin files to Bridgebase
  • Bridgewinners – Lots of discussion forums.
  • Bridgewebs – A site which lists many bridge clubs using their software to list club results.
  • EBU – The English Bridge Union
  • Richard Pavlicek – World class player with some free resources…old looking bridge website but the content is very good. You can find Richard playing on Bridgebase usually every night…I’ve even played against him a couple of times.
  • Bridgebase My Hands – check out the last set of hands you played or somebody else played.
  • No Fear Bridge – Bridge tutorials….monthly fee
  • ACBL – A great free Minibridge program you can practice as much as you like on your own against robots.
  • Vacant Spaces calculator – This is a useful site for calculating odds of a missing card for vacant spaces as well as normal odds.
Bridge Play / Tuition websites
  • Bridgebase – The most popular site to play bridge and it’s free.
  • IntoBridge – Occasionally you can battle me when I am the daily champion.
  • Funbridge – Fun Bridge!
  • BridgePlay – Great site for teaching on – you can do so much more than Bridgebase – watch 20 people at a time. Using zoom and breakout rooms is the way forward if you want to teach more than 4 people at once online if you intend to do any playing that is. Speak to Jim Edwards who is the creator behind the site; a friend of mine going way back from 30+ years from Leeds university.